Episode 43: “The War of the Gods and Demons” The Everlasting Man Part One: Ch. 7

What happens when paganism and the occult come into conflict? How do both of these end? Listen in to hear Grace and Marie discuss Ch. 7 of Part One of The Everlasting Man.

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Episode 40: “God and Comparative Religion” The Everlasting Man Part One: Ch. 4

In this episode, Grace and Marie discuss the problem with comparing religions when Christianity is unique and cannot be compared with other belief systems. Join them for Chapter 5 of The Everlasting Man, next time.

If you enjoyed this episode, you can subscribe via iTunesSpotifyTuneIn, or manually via our RSS feed.

Episode 39: “The Antiquity of Civilisation” The Everlasting Man Part One: Ch. 3

Grace and Marie discuss early civilizations, barbarians, nomads, slavery, feminism and more in this episode of Pints with Chesterton! Join them for Chapter 4 of The Everlasting Man, next time.

If you enjoyed this episode, you can subscribe via iTunesSpotifyTuneIn, or manually via our RSS feed.

Episode 37: The Everlasting Man: Ch. 2

On this episode of PWC, Marie and Grace discuss chapter 2 of The Everlasting Man, Professors and Prehistoric Man. In this chapter, GKC establishes who and what a human being is and what sets man apart from all the animals of creation- art and religion.

Next Episode
Grace and Marie will be continuing Ch. 3 of The Everlasting Man.

If you enjoyed this episode, you can subscribe via iTunesSpotifyTuneIn, or manually via our RSS feed.

The Everlasting Man Online Book Club

Hello, dear Chestertonians! Marie, here. The Chesterton Society has a fantastic free opportunity for you to join them (and us) in the study of The Everlasting Man, one of Chesterton’s most important works. Here is what they say:

“Join Grettelyn Darkey and Joe Grabowski, hosts of the UncommonSense Podcast, and Susan Sucher, our Local Societies Coordinator, and other special guests as we read our way through the exciting new Word on Fire edition of Chesterton’s masterpiece, The Everlasting Man, annotated and with commentary by our own Dale Ahlquist.

This weekly conversation begins Wednesday, May 1st at 7PM CST/8PM EST, and continues throughout the summer as we take a deep dive into this classic at a manageable pace. Live broadcasts mean that your questions and comments can be addressed in real time, as you participate through YouTube chat!

Sign up below to receive notices about our live broadcast, and links to recordings. Get a copy of the book at the link below. Check out our schedule to plan out your reading. Most of all – join our society as we read this great classic, and grow ever closer to The Everlasting Man, Jesus Christ.”

LINK TO SIGN UP: https://www.chesterton.org/everlastingman

We hope you’ll join us! Grace and I will be discussing Ch. 7 with Susan, Grettalyn, and Joe.

July 10, 2024 – “Carthage must be destroyed.“

Marie Bates and Grace Krause join the conversation as we see how the real destroyer of Carthage was… Carthage.

Reading:  The Everlasting Man, ‘The War of the Gods and Demons,’ (Chapter 7) pp. 225-250.”

Episode 38: The Big Little Update

In this episode of Pints with Chesterton, Marie and Grace give life updates and share the plan for the podcast. While they have the greatest aspirations and wish PWC was a full time job, it is, alas, a mere hobby. Hobby or no, it will continue, but these ladies will be continuing with shorter works and mixing it up with some different guests.

Next Episode
Grace and Marie will be releasing another episode on The Everlasting Man, then a shorter work.

If you enjoyed this episode, you can subscribe via iTunesSpotifyTuneIn, or manually via our RSS feed.